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events and workshops

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Get all the details, links and information on upcoming events plus content highlights including my blog, Substack, YouTube and Insight Timer

Rewild Your Business


A seasonal membership where you will discover the secrets nature is ready to share with your business so it can thrive in harmony with the earth.

Nature's Mirror - Discover your truth and potential in the wisdom of nature


Creating An Energy Practice for Your Business

Amplify is a journey through energetic frequencies to elevate your business. Featuring a series of elemental activations in which you experience first-hand the power moving through you, this experience will give you the wisdom and knowledge to shape your business into a vehicle of transformation and the tools to lead it in coherence with your soul’s desire.

Amplify Your Business Presence
Elements of Expression Quiz

Discover Your Elemental Archetypes and The Secrets of Business

The elements of earth, air, fire and water play a big role in your personal expression and that of your business. In the alchemy of energies, magic is born. Take your first step with a simple quiz to uncover your elemental expression

Free Workshops

Creating Magnetic Content

Learn how to follow the energy to structure your content and activate the magnetism

Energy Into Action

Intuitive Wisdom

The Activated Entrepreneur

Additional workshops available to members and clients:

Hearing Your Soul’s Desire

Following Frequency into Form

Energetic Messaging

Energetic Branding

Be The Voice of Your Business

Soul Words

Soul Story

Energetic Packaging and Pricing

Energetic Marketing Strategies

and more

Polly Hearsey


I’m Polly Hearsey, Mentor to conscious entrepreneurs who are creatively expressing their purpose through their business.

Watching entrepreneurs bend themselves out of shape to bring their business to the world (including myself) was the catalyst for creating a different way to be in business. Most of what passes for business know-how is deeply uncomfortable and challenging for conscious entrepreneurs – after all, our businesses are born of passion and purpose, we have a deeply personal connection to them. Blueprints and standard advice are so impersonal that they feel wrong and if it feels wrong it isn’t going to work.

This is your business. It needs to be done your way. My goal, my mission is to support you to find that way and be courageous enough to act on it. I’m here to help you bring your gifts to the world and for your business to be a vehicle of positive change.

Discover more about me and my work with Business Design, Business Energetics, Energetic Marketing and more on my website.