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The beliefs you hold determine your power to create impact

What you believe is what you can create.

What you don’t believe can keep you in check.

The big vision you are nurturing is encoded in your body, mind and spirit. So are beliefs which are slowing your progress.

Believe has been created to nurture the beliefs you need to lead your vision into reality and remove the beliefs you don’t from body, mind and spirit.

Beliefs are energy and energy holds a patterning inside you. This patterning affects your mind, nervous system and cellular activity. Your body is effectively encoded to sustain beliefs that your mind has long since released. It also holds onto ancestral and societal patterning that was never yours to begin with.

When you feel beyond frustrated that you cannot move forward or you keep repeating a pattern you don’t seem to be able to break, it’s time to consider changing your cellular energetics.

Believe uses a process of Cymatic Release to adapt your cellular patterning to reflect the beliefs you need to hold in order to make your vision of transformation real, and release the beliefs you no longer choose to hold or allow to have a hold on you.

You hold a unique suite of beliefs that determine how you show up in your business and where you hold back. This is your belief landscape.

The complex web of energetic patterning in this landscape can shift in an instant when one single belief is released or integrated. In turn, this impacts the energy you share through your business and the impact it has on your circles of influence.

All energy moves through you to become an action or an experience. As it flows through you, it is altered by your patterning which determines the shape it takes in the world. Changing the patterning it flows through, changes the experience, the impact and the outcome. Your belief landscape holds the key to expansion, growth and fulfilling your vision.

It’s that simple and precisely why you are a unique force in the world.

The Believe Framework

the energy of transformative leadership

We will work with the frequencies of your business and leadership to calibrate your whole being to your soul work, passion and vision. We will prepare the ground for elevating your leadership presence and impact.

Designed for Impact

Embodying your unique energy comes from the actions you take. Inside Believe, you will create your plan for leadership elevation that consistently expresses and shares the energy you are holding.

Revealing your current belief landscape

You will be guided to explore your beliefs that are aligned with your vision and leadership, alongside those that aren’t. You will have space to explore how to nurture supporting beliefs and learn how to release limiting beliefs.

Leading A Movement

Your work impacts people and they want to be part of your community. They want to support its evolution too. This requires a strong culture aligned with adaptability and this is what you will be supported to develop.

Building Your Leadership Capacity

Holding the energy of leadership requires capacity. We will work to identify where your capacity needs to be developed and create a strategy to increase and sustain it that works for you.

Elevated Authority

Energetic work requires time for recalibration and integration. We will journey gently but firmly to adjust your energetics and integrate a new way of being in your business as you elevate your leadership and authority.

Who the hell am I to teach you this?

My beliefs have crippled me in the past. They lurked in the shadows, messed with my mindset, derailed my energy. And all the while I was doing the work – shadow, inner child, sub-conscious, energy clearing, mindset – every label, every approach and still I was stuck.

When those beliefs raised their heads above the parapets, I could feel my body contracting and my energy dissipating. The things that I felt called to do were put off, over and over.

It was hard work to keep moving forward. It took a lot of mental and emotional energy. When things were going well, the mind monkeys would ask “how long for?” When things were going badly, every feeling of being less than, not good enough, not anything enough came out to play.

And all the time, I could feel this pull to create something that doesn’t exist yet, something that has the power to transform. I could feel the call of leadership but didn’t feel I could claim it.

Eventually, I turned my expertise in energetics to my beliefs and created a way to release the energy of that “not enoughness” from my body and change everything. I found that I was emboldened to take action, appreciate my potential and ability and start moving forward with determination. It changed my whole outlook and, most importantly, the way I showed up in my business.

That’s what I want for you too. I see the leader in you and your power to transform through your work. I want to see you change the world.

What to Expect

The bottom line is you will feel more confident, bring the energy and develop your leadership platform. You will get there by developing your

Understanding of where you need to stretch and where you are holding back so you know how to grow.

Understanding of what you are working on and for inside your business to offer you more motivation and momentum.

Understanding of who you are becoming and how to hold this transformative power to grow your business.

Capacity for leadership and expansion as you learn to hold your energy consistently and be present as a leader with magnetism.

Plan of action to expand your business and position your work and offers to speak to your circle, all while holding your leadership energy consistently.

Understanding of how your leadership builds a movement and culture of transformation, how you can hold it and maintain spaces where people feel excited and safe.

And you will do all of this inside a supportive community of like-minded and energied people working towards their vision.

begins on 11th April 2024

It will run for six weeks with live sessions and community support.

Investment is £500

Payment is via instalments, with a discount for early payment of the remaining amount.

Live Sessions will be held on the following dates at 6pm UK

Thursday 11th April

Thursday 18th April

Thursday 25th April

Thursday 2nd May

Wednesday 8th May

Thursday 16th May

Recordings will be available for all sessions