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Energy of Expression
The Meaning of the Numbers
The elements are associated with the 4 cardinal directions
Earth is North
Air is East
Fire is South
Water is West
If you overlay the numbers of a clock face onto this, you have 12 numbers around the cardinal directions.
It’s a simple, visual way of pinpointing the elements in your expression.
12 is Earth
3 is Air
6 is Fire
9 is Water

Your first number is your primary elemental energy that is always present in your creative expression.
The second number is where you are right now in the Creative Cycle. (I created a video to walk you through it on YouTube)
You are always flowing through the Creative Cycle, moving into different phases of creativity . If you are fire, as you move into water it creates a very unique resonance that determines what that experience is like for you. It will be very, very different to anyone else’s.
Understanding your leanings means that you can bring conscious awareness to your creative processes and experiences. Which means you will naturally become more creative, more expressive and more you.
If you are somewhere between the 4 cardinal directions, it means you are a blend. If you are 1, then you are a mix of earth with a bit of air. For 2, you are air with a bit of earth. The two numbers between the cardinal directions are the transitional points where the combination of energies creates a specific frequency. Having experienced the energy directly, how the elements play into this will make sense to you in a way that cannot be explained by anyone else. It is a deeply personal experience that wants to be experienced on the inside first.
I hope welcoming the elements into your awareness opens many doors for you.
This is only the beginning of the journey and magic that is waiting for you.
Take another step along the way
I have created a guide to help you work with your elemental energies and nurture your creative expression.
Work with the elements to find your voice and confidence to bring your inner desires into outer reality.
Click the image below that most closely matches the first number you received, to get the guide.
Please only click on one guide , the one for your first number. (11, 12 and 1 – Earth: 2,3 and 4 -Air: 5, 6 and 7 – Fire: 8, 9 and 10 – Water)
Information on all the elements is included in each guide and links to more detail on working with all the elements (in and out of business) is available within the guide.
© Polly Hearsey 2023